Questions tagged [milankovitch-cycles]

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16 votes
2 answers

How does the precession of the Earth's apses affect climate?

The gravitational influence of the gas giants (plus general-relativistic effects) are known to cause the apses of the Earth's orbit to precess. For an illustration of that process, see this image. Now,...
  • 1,875
13 votes
1 answer

Carbon Dioxide levels appear to be linked to the Milankovitch cycles according to Ice Core data but what is the mechanism?

As in ice core data shows that $CO_2 $ levels have fluctuated on levels correlating to the temperature and ice levels, but I couldn't think of a mechanism for what might be the link between the ...
  • 1,715
13 votes
3 answers

Are ice-ages dependent on an un-equal distribution of land-masses?

Having read this answer about the precession of the equinoxes and how it affects Earth's climate, my understanding was that only because of the differing affect of continental and maritime insolation ...
  • 1,715
9 votes
1 answer

Why are some theories as to the cause of glacation less popular among the scientific community?

There are a few theories as to the causes of glaciation. There's the Milankovitch Theory, which says that there are cyclical changes in Earth's orbit and in the tilt of Earth's axis that occur over ...
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8 votes
3 answers

Does general relativity influence climate (vs Newtonian mechanics)

That may sounds like a silly question but here it is. One of the early great successes of general relativity was to explain the discrepancy between the prehilion advance of Mercury predicted by ...
6 votes
1 answer

What does the precessional parameter measure?

I am wondering what is measured in the plots of change of precession, e.g. when describing Milankovitch Cycles. The values typically vary between .06 and −.06. I am also wondering about what the ...
  • 61
5 votes
1 answer

Every 202,500 years, Earth wanders in a new direction; does it affect climate?

I refer to this article on Every 202,500 Years, Earth Wanders in a New Direction TLDR: Scientists believe the earth's orbit oscillates between circular and more elliptical due to the ...
  • 151
5 votes
1 answer

Is 2,000 years from now a credible figure for return to glaciation?

I read this article, "In about 300 years, all available fossil fuels may well have been consumed.Over the following ...
5 votes
1 answer

What are the relative contributions of planets to the Milankovitch Cycles?

When reading about the Milankovitch cycles here, it says: If the Earth were the only planet orbiting our Sun, the eccentricity of its orbit would not perceptibly vary even over a period of a million ...
  • 12.9k
4 votes
2 answers

Are we entering a new Ice Age according to Milankovitch cycles?

Milankovitch cycles consist of three orbital parameters: eccentricity, obliquity, and precession of equinoxes. According to Milutin Milankovitch, the most recent glacial period ended nearly 11,000 ...
  • 51
3 votes
1 answer

Why were the Interglacial periods in the early Pleistocene spaced about one million years apart, but recent ones only 100,000 years apart?

The Teglen (or Tiglian) interglacial period began after approximately half a million years into the Pleistocene, and the next interglacial (Waalian) occurred about a million years after that. But the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can CO2 / greenhouse gas levels override the effects of milankovich cycles?

I understand that we are, in all likelihood, towards the end of an interglacial period (the holocene). What I'd like to know is, what has a stronger effect on global temperatures - the low point of ...
  • 366
2 votes
1 answer

Effect of eccentricity and axial precession on glaciation/deglaciation

Having learned about the Milankovitch cycles, I've found two entirely separate explanations from different sources on how the combination of precession and eccentricity changes affect glaciation vs ...
  • 123
1 vote
0 answers

Altering the Milankovitch Cycles [closed]

据我所知,更新世冰河时代dictated by three major factors suggested by the Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milankovitch--eccentricity (orbital shape), obliquity (axial tilt) and ...
0 votes
0 answers

Milankovitch cycles and what?

Observe the vertical green lines in this diagram: Those events shows when temperature starts to sink when radiance is at top or even before that. If there was a simple connection between radiance and ...
  • 331
